
WordPress is a free open source blogging tool and content management system. WordPress can be used to create a traditional blogging site; however, it can also be used to create a standard website for business or personal use. This course focuses on creating websites using WordPress. No previous experience is needed. This course is structured in a way to help all students, regardless of their experience, learn WordPress.
Students will learn how to:
- Set up a domain and hosting account
- Set up a MySQL database on their server
- Install WordPress on the MySQL database
- Plan their website by choosing color schemes, fonts, layouts, and more
- Search for themes in WordPress
- Select, install, and activate a theme
- Add posts to their website
- Create website pages
- Add images, photo galleries, and more
- Create tags for SEO and categories to organize their posts
- Use WordPress as a content management system (CMS)
- Use widgets and plugins
- Create an ecommerce site
- Integrate WordPress with social media
- Customize a WordPress site using PHP, CSS, and HTML And more.
Introduction to WordPress
Finding a Home for your WordPress Site
Installing WordPress on Your Site
Content Management using WordPress
Selecting the Right Tools
Image Formats
Fonts and Colors
Designing Your WordPress Site
The WordPress Default Layout
Themes and Templates
- About WordPress themes
- PHP and MySQL ✓ Defining PHP
- The template tags
- Using PHP
- Managing your database
- Template files
- How templates work with WordPress themes
- Stylesheets
- About the Main Index and The Loop
- The different templates
- Template tags, values, and parameters
- Using template tags in blog posts
- Connecting templates
- Using more than one stylesheet
More on Widgets and Template Tags
Parent and Child Themes
- Understanding parent and child themes
- Creating a child theme
- Loading a parent theme style
- Customizing the parent theme style
- Using images in child theme designs
- Edit theme structure with child themes
- Overriding parent template files
- Adding new template files
- Removing template files
- Modifying theme functions file
Creating a Custom Site
- Getting acquainted with CSS
- CSS Selectors
- Classes and IDs
- CSS properties and values
- Changing background mage or colors
- Adding a custom background
- Changing the background with CSS
- Positioning your header image using CSS
- Repeating or scrolling background images
- Changing theme elements
- Adding effects
- Setting font, color, and size
- An introduction to basic HTML
- Inserting images
- Inserting links
- Inserting lists
Using WordPress as a Content Management System
- Creating the front page
- Creating a static page
- Using a static page as your front page
- Making a blog look like a website
- Creating blank blog pages
- Assigning the new page as a blog page
- Creating custom page templates
- The default page template
- Comparing templates
- Using different sidebar and footer templates
- Custom styles for sticky, category, and tag posts
Using WordPress Plugins
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